TFS Exam Study Guide - Free Preview Pages
Our Study Guide contains more than 300 problems, solved in great detail in 600+ pages. This preview contains 70+ pages, to give you a good "taste" of our approach. We cover all relevant topics for the PE Mechanical Thermal and Fluids Systems Exam: Thermodynamics & Energy Balances, Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics and Fluids Applications, Heat Transfer & Heat Exchanger Analysis, Psychrometrics and Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, and General Engineering & Supportive Knowledge.
This study guide works with the "principle of progressive overload." With this technique, you start with straightforward problems and progress toward more complex ones. An excellent example of progressive overload is the story of the famous wrestler Milo of Croton in ancient Greece. According to the stories, this man could carry a fully grown bull on his shoulders. He reportedly achieved this tremendous strength by walking around town with a newborn calf on his shoulders daily. As the calf grew, so did the man's strength. We recommend you solve the problems in this book in the same order as we present them. Within each section of the book, the first problems will feel "light," like carrying that baby calf – you might even be tempted to skip them. We strongly urge you to resist this temptation. As you progress, the problems become more challenging, but the work you've been putting in with all the previous problems will bear fruit. You will be pleasantly surprised at how relatively easy those "hard" problems will seem. You will soon be carrying intellectual bulls on your shoulders! The problems that are "exam-level difficult" are denoted with an asterisk. The book has five parts, with multiple sections each. Generally, the sections are not independent and build from the previous ones. We recommend you go through them in the order presented and be sure to review them all. Each section begins with a brief discussion of the relevant concepts and equations. These discussions are laser-focused on the aspects pertinent to the P.E. exam and do not go into derivations with academic rigor. We highly recommend you read the discussion in each section before diving into solving problems. The only reference allowed in the exam is the NCEES PE Mechanical Handbook (PEMH) which you will have on the computer screen. We will use bold text in red throughout this book when referring to a table, equation, or graph from the PEMH. Lastly, consider practicing working on legal-size paper (8½" x 14") since this is the size of the booklet you will have on exam day – you won't know if you prefer landscape or portrait orientation until you try them both for at least a couple of hours!. Consider playing around with the relative location of your keyboard, mouse, calculator, and scratch paper. |