Thanks for your interest in our practice exam solutions e-book. You will find that no other P.E. exam prep resource presents step-by-step solutions in such exquisite detail. The e-book has 90+ pages of solutions presented with unprecedented clarity.
To get a "feel" for what the solutions e-book is like, take a look at this bonus sample problem (not part of our practice exam). Take some time and attempt to solve this problem. This problem is consistent with what you will find in the Energy/Power System Applications knowledge area of the Thermal and Fluid Systems exam. |
Here is the solution. The red arrows point to typical features that come with the solutions in the e-book.
As you can see, every solution is treated as if you are encountering the topic for the first time, so the solutions are presented in great detail with accompanying discussion. Let's continue...
Even just by itself, the solutions e-book is a powerful study tool. However, when you purchase the solutions e-book you also get a personal consultant to provide additional help if needed.
If anything in the solutions e-book is confusing, or you think could use some further clarification you can email us with your questions! You will receive a response in 24 hours or less. Now, let's see the conclusion to actual solution of the sample problem: |
After payment, you will receive a link to download the secure file. The file requires the use of the free Javelin PDF reader, available for download HERE, and a personalized security code. You will receive your security code along with the download link.
Please note that the answers are licensed, not sold to you. By purchasing this access, you acknowledge having read and agreed to the terms of the license agreement available HERE. Please read the license agreement before purchasing access. Access for 360 days to 90+ pages of answers with detailed explanations for all problems in our Thermal Fluids Practice Exam. Comes with access to advisors via email to answer any questions you might have regarding any of the problems in the practice exam. Access to advisors is also for 360 days from the date of purchase. Fully compatible with the Computer Based Testing (CBT) requirements: all problems can be solved with the provided handbook by NCEES. Read what our previous customers have to say about the exam on our testimonials page. |